As is customary with programming languages, here is a Hello World introduction using C++ /CX.
1: #include <iostream>
2: using namespace std;
4: #using "platform.winmd"
6: using namespace Platform;
8: int __cdecl main()
9: {
10: String^ str = "Hello World";
11: wcout << str->Data() << endl;
12: }
In order to compile this code, make sure you set the winmd directory containing “platform.winmd” using the LIBPATH environment variable.
Compile this code from the command line using cl.exe and link.exe
1: a. Cl.exe /c /ZW /ZI /EHsc <filename.cpp>
then link using the following command
1: a. Link.exe <filename>.obj vccorlib.lib runtimeobject.lib ole32.lib /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE
That’s it. Your first program using C++ /CX is now ready. Execute it at the command line and it should print the message “Hello World” to the console.